Instituto Superior Técnico

Área de Gestão de Recursos Humanos e Académicos do Taguspark

Students with Special Educational Needs

Instituto Superior Técnico provides support to students with Special Educational Needs, derived from their temporary or prolonged health condition, who attend for it and that are covered by the  Regulation for Students with Special Educational Needs (portuguese version only).


Process of statute request:

In order to be covered by the norms of these Regulation, you should go visit in person the Taguspark Student Support Office  in order to the process to be open. The recognition of the status “Student with Special Educational Needs” is annual and students may submit their support application at any time over the school year.

You will be asked to submit the following documents:

1 – Written request addressed to the President of the Instituto Superior Técnico (available here – portuguese version only);

2 – Individual Identification Form (available here – portuguese version only);

3 – Documental evidence (clinical report, medical certificate and / or other document attesting the health condition and its consequences in the academic performance);


Process for support request:

Over the school year, students with the status of “Student with Special Educational Needs” should contact the Taguspark Student Support Office to request support in the evaluation processes.

Students with health conditions (temporary or prolonged) that restrict them from conducting self-assessment tests may also require support from the Taguspark Student Support Office.


Useful Links:

GENEE – Working Group for Students with Special Educational Needs

NEE-ULisboa Network – Statutes of Student with Special Educational Needs of ULisboa (portuguese version)

DGES – Candidates with Physical or Sensorial Dysfunction (CNAES portuguese version)